Organisational review and planning events
Team Building
Planning and managing projects
Coaching and mentoring
Super Vision
Equality Act
Business Start Up training
Level 3 Award in Training
Peace of mind contracts
We have undertaken;
- Commissions to research and write reports on particular programmes within organisations or a review of the whole organisation
- Consultancy work to bring community groups together with the aim of working together and putting in funding bids on a collaborative basis.
- Review and Planning days for organisations
The definition of an organisation that ‘learns’ is; ‘An organisation that facilitates the learning of all its members and continually transforms itself’ Overall objectives, by the end of the course you will have;
- Listened to each other and understood each other.
- Been stretched and experienced growth as a team.
- Learned about where our organisation is up to and where we are going.
- Understood that a team needs members who will…
- Listen / Question / Persuade / Respect / Help / Share / Participate
- Had a fun break
"If you don’t know where you are going, any road will do”. This course provides a structured road map so that learners / participants have the opportunity to think about issues before they set out or give them renewed direction if they have already started a project
We offer one to one coaching and mentoring. In essence coaching is short term task-based and mentoring is a longer term relationship. Sometimes coaching leads on to mentoring. We listen to what your needs are and decide the right approach for you,whether coaching or mentoring, the duration of the progarmme and the intended outcome.
This course will cover all the important areas and issues a supervisor has to cope with. Through case studies, discussions, practical examples you will explore and develop the necessary skills and knowledge to be an effective supervisor of staff.
Learning outcomes- At the end of this one day course participants will have;
- clear understanding about the role of supervision and working boundaries.
- developed their practice of effective (one-to-one) line management supervision
- increased self awareness of their own style of communicating/ leading/delegating
- increased knowledge and insight into group and team supervision work
We deliver this awareness session over half a day and the course objectives are;
- To provide participants with basic knowledge and understanding of safeguarding issues
- To prepare participants to be alert to the signs of abuse in children and vulnerable adults and to know how to respond and what action to take
- To provide an opportunity to understand the role of other agencies
- To focus on feelings which may inhibit them from recognising the problem
- To ensure that participants are aware of the importance of sharing information about a child who may be at risk, or has been abused
- To acquire a theoretical and working knowledge of safeguarding procedures
- To be aware of relevant recent changes in legislation and guidance affecting your work with children and vulnerable adults and be able to state the implications of these changes for your own practice
- To promote confidence in the practical application of these procedures.
Everyone is unique, we all come from different backgrounds, have different needs, wants and aspirations. This equality training session has been fully updated in order to reflect the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 and blends theory with engaging practical exercises in order to make participants think about their own attitudes, approaches and behaviours. It can be delivered over half a day or a full day.
This is a course for budding entrepreneurs who have an idea but don't know where to start or for those just starting out in business. It looks into all the important aspects of starting a business, surviving and thriving with the importance of acting in an ethical manner being at the core of the subjects. Currently we are delivering a course in Walton and can also find you free mentoring.